System description joint sealing

Our products for water pressure-tight sealing of all construction joints and crack control joints in concrete components have been tried and tested for decades. The wolfseal joint system for sealing white bathtubs is constantly being improved in detail.

The white tub

The “white tank” is undoubtedly an innovation in the construction industry that provides effective waterproofing against water ingress. However, to ensure that this waterproofing is durable, the construction joints and crack control joints must also be additionally waterproofed.

For this reason, our company founder Roland Wolf invented the first joint system with metal waterstops in 1990 and thus significantly improved the safety of sealing construction joints in concrete construction.

Our wolfseal joint system ensures a watertight connection with the fresh concrete and thus reliably prevents water from penetrating into the building. It can be used in in-situ concrete construction as well as for element walls, regardless of whether the water is pressing or not. This additional sealing measure finalizes the effectiveness of the “white tank” to ensure long-term and reliable waterproofing of the basement.

Installation of metal water stop

wolfseal KB 16

See how the wolfseal KB 16 metal waterstop is used to seal a prefabricated basement.

The WU guideline

Although the requirements for the “white tank” are regulated by DIN standards, they are not sufficient. The “Guideline for watertight concrete structures” of the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (WU Guideline of the DAfStb) is decisive for planning and execution. This guideline is for waterproof concrete structures that are partially or fully embedded in the ground. Planning in accordance with the watertightness guideline includes extensive and detailed tasks that are crucial for the long-term watertightness of the building.

Our engineering office specializes in planning in accordance with the WU guideline and works on such projects on a daily basis, whether for single-family homes, apartment buildings or large-scale projects. This makes us experts in this field. So if you need support with the waterproofing of your construction project, our engineers are ready to provide you with individual instructions for the waterproofing of your construction project based on a WU plan, an FBV plan or a combination plan.

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Are you planning a building and need support with waterproofing?
Then get in touch. We are happy to support you.

Roland Wolf GmbH Bauwerksabdichtung